The Qur'an contains religious values for the advancement of man to happiness. The claim is that Quranic teachings are the basis of religious values; By choosing it better, the method of proving religious beliefs can be extracted. This research tries to extract the method of proving religious beliefs with a business approach and by using artistic forms with a descriptive and analytical method and with a better selection of Quranic teachings. Based on the verses, the process was defined as the introduction to the institutionalization of religious values in the businessman 1- Gaining self-knowledge (knowing the talents, capacities, existential dimensions and position of man in the universe); 2- Gaining monotheistic insight (knowing the origin and your relationship with the Creator); 3- Reciprocity is (knowing the destination and drawing the path of happiness in the universe). After the realization of these three stages, the beliefs must be proven through rational and scientific reasoning and penetrate, in this case, the acceptance of good qualities in the businessman will be facilitated.
salimi V, fadavi M. Optimizing the method of institutionalizing religious values from Quranic teachings with a business approach. 3 2023; 2 (71) :95-109 URL: